Don’t give up

Photo by Luca Nardone on

“As I face a dark moment in my life, I’m searching for a lifeline of encouragement. I’m feeling overwhelmed and unsure of where to turn. With over 30,000 verses in the Bible, it’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack to discover a life verse that will speak directly to my heart.

Right now, I’m struggling to encourage myself as my mom is going through a tough time with financial struggles and lack of provisions. I feel discouraged, afraid, and uncertain about the future. It’s like everything I hold dear is under attack and out of reach.

As I read about King David’s story in 1 Samuel 30, I see that he, too, faced a similar crisis when his families were kidnapped and everything they had was destroyed. But instead of giving up, he chose to “encourage himself in the Lord” (1 Samuel 30:6). That’s exactly what I need to do – encourage myself in the Lord.

In Psalm 119:28, I’m reminded to “strengthen [myself] according to [God’s] word.” And in Joshua 1:9, I’m urged to be strong and courageous, not fearing or being dismayed, because God is always with me.

I confess that I’ve failed God in many ways, but I choose to sing the joy of the Lord as my strength. I pray that You would help me take You into my life today and guide me through this difficult season. Please help my mom as well. Help me find my way forward and trust in Your goodness and provision.”