The mind of Christ

“We have the mind of Christ.” 1 Corinthians 2: 16

I have been focusing all my time and attention on God’s word these past couple of days and I must tell you that I feel so exhilarated.  I find that I can see things clearly and my focus is there.

The way I think isn’t necessarily the same way you think and we have different points of view concerning our thinking.  To write something I need to have a topic of discussion and then put my thinking cap on.  My creativity is not as great as most people I find I have to stretch myself each time I have something on my mind.  My words don’t just pour out and I have to really stay focused and tuned in to write something that will be of value.

Then I am learning to ask people for their advice and see what it is that drives them and their thinking, it is really interesting because I really don’t think anything like them.  My biggest problem is not seeing the big picture but understanding why other people miss the big picture.  They can frustrate me at times and I want to run away.

Sometimes it is required that I must be realistic but I thank the Lord my God for common sense because you need to have common sense to be realistic at time.

As you ponder over what I have written, how is your thinking?

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